Witney MC – Grass Autotest

After the very early bath on the last Witney MC evening grass autotest, I was back again but this time in the MGZR.

Thankfully it was a sunny if rather chilly evening, but for once it wasn’t raining.

The first test outwent smoothly enough, but a little off the pace with us lying 2nd overall, although not by much it was all quite close in the top three crews.

The next test was a bit tighter and technical and I got into the lead with a clear run. The third test I couldn’t quite get into and my lead by the end of this test was down to just 0.1sec, this meant going into the final test it was very much all to play for. This test was flowing and more logical than the previous one which seemed to have no logic to it! Lots of the crews were sandbagging and hanging back to try and get the better conditions, and although I didn’t want to give away better condition, I also wanted to get on with it… In the end I had three runs which were all quite consistent in times, but never felt in the car that good. However by the end of all the runs it was clear that under pressure it all worked as we pulled out 1.3sec on second overall, taking the win by 1.4 seconds.

So it was good to be back to winning way with another first overall on the Witney MC grass autotest series.

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